
Local and regional development through RRI

Local and regional development through RRI
Territorial development covers many aspects, including aspects relating to science. At European level, accent has been put on technologies in the 90' (Regional Technology Plans) and then on innovation strategies (Regional Innovation Strategies). I would be curious to know more about local and regional developments that have gone beyond that and integrated notions comparable to Responsible Research and Innovation, e.g. going beyond product or service innovation and developing locally or regionally social innovations by favouring the interactions between citizens, researchers, business and policy makers. Thanks for pointing to me such experiements, successful or failed. Philippe Galiay

RE: Local and regional development through RRI
2017-04-28 08:24 som svar till Philippe Galiay.
Dear Philippe,

The "Lombardy Region's Smart Specialisation Strategy" might be a nice example.

regional innovation policies, which represents a cultural leap regarding involvement of citizens in policy - decision process through innovative tools, both financial and enabling. A regional Open Innovation Platform has been built around the key principles of the Quadruple Helix Open Innovation model, where “Government, industry, academia and civil participants work together to co-create the future and drive structural changes far beyond the scope of what any one organization or person could do alone

See more info in our Toolkit: https://www.rri-tools.eu/-/the-open-innovation-platform-of-regione-lombardia

We had a representative from the Lombardia Region participating in one of the parallel sessions at the RRI Tools Final Conference

The RRI Tools team

RE: Local and regional development through RRI
2017-05-12 09:27 som svar till Philippe Galiay.
One more interesting example on regional development through RRI is the FaRInn project: Facilitating Responsible Innovation in South East Europe