Quem somos
O RRI Tools será levada a cabo por um consórcio de 26 parceiros de 19 países europeus que incluem representantes de uma grande variedade de partes interessadas (investigação, sociedade civil, decisores políticos, educação e empresas). Consiste em quatro fundações, dez centros de ciência, quatro universidades e centros de investigação, uma "science shop" (loja da ciência), uma câmara de comércio e um parceiro tecnológico, além de seis redes europeias relacionadas com estes sectores. Juntos, estes parceiros possuem experiência relevante em todos os diferentes aspetos da Investigação e Inovação Responsáveis.
Dinamic map Consortium members
Hubs members
RRI Hubs have been created extending across the length and breadth of Europe. They are responsible for training in the use of RRI Toolkit, advocating policy makers at national and regional level, and spreading the concept of RRI. The ultimate goal is bring into being a European Community of Practice that draws together all people and organizations that are active in this new vision of scientific and social development, and that can use and continuously contribute to the RRI Toolkit.
Spanish HubSee all Hubs members
Portugal HubSee all Hubs members
Netherlands HubSee all Hubs members
Austria and Slovenia HubSee all Hubs members
Germany HubSee all Hubs members
Italy and Switzerland HubSee all Hubs members
Belgium HubSee all Hubs members
Poland HubSee all Hubs members
Denmark HubSee all Hubs members
Baltic HubSee all Hubs members
Greece and Cyprus HubSee all Hubs members
Hungary HubSee all Hubs members
France HubSee all Hubs members
Czech Republic HubSee all Hubs members
South Eastern HubSee all Hubs members
Ireland HubSee all Hubs members
Bulgaria and Romania HubSee all Hubs members
Sweden HubSee all Hubs members
United Kingdom HubSee all Hubs members
Grupo coordenador
- "la Caixa" Foundation
- Spain (Barcelona)
- "la Caixa" Foundation
- IrsiCaixa
- Spain (Barcelona)
- IrsiCaixa
- Athena Institute, Free University of Amsterdam
- Netherlands (Amsterdam)
- Athena Institute, Free University of Amsterdam
- Ecsite
- Belgium (Brussels)
- Ecsite
- University College London
- United Kingdom (London)
- University College of London
- Zentrum für Soziale Innovation
- Austria (Vienna)
- Zentrum für Soziale Innovation
- EuroScience
- France (Strasbourg)
- EuroScience
- Ciência Viva - Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica
- Portugal (Lisbon)
- Ciência Viva - Agência Nacional para a Cultura Científica e Tecnológica
Conselho consultivo
- Richard Owen
- Professor of Science and Innovation Governance and Associate Dean of Research and Knowledge Transfer, University of Exeter Business School
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- Carsten Mann
- Deputy Head of the Innovation in Governance Research Group, Technische Universität Berlin
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- Lars Kluver
- Director of Secretariat; Danish Board of Technology
- Inés Sánchez de Madariaga
- Chair at COST Network Gender STE, Gender, Science, Technology and Environment
- Lut Mergaert
- Research Director, Partner and member of management team at Yellow Window Consultants
- Gene Rowe
- Independent consultant, Gene Rowe Evaluations
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- Claudia Neubauer
- Fondation Charles Léopold Mayer - FPH
- Justin Dillon
- Professor of Science and Environmental Education and Head of the Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol
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- Digna Couso
- Professor at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) and Director of the CRECIM Researcher in the CRECIM (Research Centre in Science and Maths Education) and Lecturer at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB)
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- Pere Puigdomènech
- Director of the Agrogenomics Research Centre (CRAG), Chair of the CSIC Ethics Committee, member of the EC European Group on Ethics in Science and New Technologies
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- Jeroen van den Hoven
- Director of research at the 3TU Centre for Ethics and Technology, Delft University of Technology
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- Maria Cassella
- Coordinator of the Library of the University of Turin, member of the editorial board of the journal OA librarianship JLIS.it
- David Carr
- Member of the Strategic Planning and Policy Unit at the Wellcome Trust