VoYS we need you!
Here at Sense about Science EU we are looking for early career researcher to get on board with our initiative. Have any of you had experiences with the Ask for Evidence' campaign. Whether you see claims in the media or by policy we want you guys to get involved! We would be extremely interested in hearing your story so please share it with us on social media, via email or through this conversation! Those of you who may not have questioned EU policy or claims made by the EU, we wholly encourage you to do so and spread the word! Don't know where to start? The Ask for Evidence website set up by Sense about Science will guide you on the right track with its handy flow chart! The VoYS and Ask for evidence tools available here should also guide you in the right direction. So researchers at the ready, use your VoYS and challenge those claims! If you want more information about any of the campaigns you can also contact us through this conversation!