Gender equality or Gender determination :
Do we accept the dress codes of our colleagues and our partners without discrimination ? Are you wearing a transparen-she ? Watch the video : http://www.courrierinternational.com/video/societe-voici-quoi-ressemble-la-tenue-parfaite-pour-une-femme
What are the false solutions? 7 ways for women to disappear so their clothes won’t upset anybody http://www.vox.com/2016/9/9/12816180/women-disappear-men-policing
What about Women and Science ? In France we have the association : http://www.femmesetsciences.fr/ "Promouvoir les sciences et techniques auprès des femmes, promouvoir les femmes dans les sciences et techniques" "Promote the sciences and the techniques with the women, promote the women in the sciences and the techniques" And you ?