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RRI Tools

Are you a newcomer to RRI?
What does RRI mean?

Diversity and


All social actors should already be

involved from the start of each project

or process to influence how research

and innovation are conducted

Anticipation and


Citizens are the key to avoid

unrealistic expectations and the

decoupling between science and society

Openness and


CSOs should play a more

relevant role in agenda setting

processes and in the

democratisation of R&I

Responsiveness and

Adaptive Change

Change Civil society needs to be

recognised as a producer of

knowledge and accepted as a

partner in R&I


Citizens’ involvement can lead to more ethically 

acceptable processes and outcomes in research

Gender Equality

Gender balance aspects must be considered and

CSOs can probably take a lead on this topic


CSOs should advocate for their interests and

get involved in R&I assessment and anticipation

What key

issues should

be taken into


Open Access

Open Access Citizens demand easier access to research results,

which CSOs can enable

Public Engagement

CSOs are underrepresented in R&I

committees. Public engagement can help

CSOs act as the voice of society

Science Education

CSOs can work with the education system in

engaging and empowering citizens to become

active R&I agents

Training resource
How to put RRI into practice

How to set up

a participatory

research agenda

How to advocate your

idea and set up

a project proposal:

Capacity building

for CSOs

How to co-create


participatory research

How to embed RRI

in citizen science

How to incorporate

RRI in science engagement


The RRI Toolkit: recommended resources for Civil Society Organizations

Nested Portlets Nested Portlets

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