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Why and How to Participate in the European Research and Innovation Framework Programme Horizon 2020 - Manual for CSOs

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Fondation Sciences Citoyennes (2014). "Why and How to Participate in the European Research and Innovation Framework Programme Horizon 2020 - Manual for CSOs". Paris. 43 pp.
This Manual is aimed at giving a short practical introduction for CSOs on how to participate in projects financially supported by the European Union Horizon 2020 research programme. The first part gives a very short introduction to the European context in regards of politics and funding of research and innovation. It also proposes some wider reflections on research policies, CSOs and societal developments. The second part presents Horizon 2020. The third part is quite technical in order to help understanding the procedure of how to submit a project. There is also an Annex that describes specifically each of the seven grand challenges identified by the EU.

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