Tool Guideline

Vademecum on Gender Equality in Horizon 2020

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 01 November 2015

European Commission
The Vademecum on Gender Equality in Horizon 2020 provides the Helsinki Group, Commission/Agency staff, potential applicants, NCPs, expert evaluators, and others involved in implementing Horizon 2020 with practical guidance on the effective application of the new gender equality provisions. This means integrating gender equality issues at each stage of the research cycle—from programming to implementation to monitoring and programme evaluation.
Diversity, Inclusion, Responsiveness
Development, Exploration, Implementation, Monitorization & Evaluation, Dissemination

The Vademecum contains information on training issues, training within Horizon 2020 projects and of Commission staff, and the specific call for gender equality. A section devoted to the implementation of gender equality at each stage of the research cycle considers the following points:

  • advisory groups
  • general introduction to the 2014–2015 Work Programme
  • proposal template
  • expert evaluators
  • evaluation process
  • grant agreement and negotiations
  • monitoring.

The annexes include relevant excerpts on gender from Horizon 2020 official documents, the Commission’s implementing provisions and the Guide for Applicants.

Beginner, Practitioner, Master

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