Tool Guideline

The Use of Experts in Public Dialogue

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 01 November 2015

Sciencewise, UK

The Use of Experts in Public Dialogue describes how experts have been involved in public dialogues on science and technology issues in the past and provides guidelines on how they could be used more effectively in the future.

It is a practical report that discusses how to make the best use of expert advice in public dialogues and within the wider policymaking process. It offers tips for identifying and overcoming the challenges experts face, explores cultural issues that create or contribute to those challenges, and suggests ways to develop an evidence base for good practices.

National, International, Local, Regional, Global
Diversity, Inclusion, Transparency
Development, Exploration, Implementation, Monitorization & Evaluation, Dissemination

This report:

  • identifies the different types of experts (representative publics, experiential publics, stakeholders and scientific/technical/legal experts) and their roles
  • provides guidelines for effectively involving experts in public dialogue, giving details on the context and aims of the dialogue; the representation, purpose and participation levels of the experts; and considerations for engaging, sourcing and briefing experts
  • offers suggestions on how to conduct experts’ participation and how to continue engaging with experts after the public dialogue ends.

This report is also connected with other Sciencewise research topics: (1) evaluating public dialogue—to provide firm evidence for the value and impact of public dialogue, thus building its credibility in the minds of experts; and (2) sustaining citizen involvement—which has parallels to supporting expert involvement and how that might be achieved.


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