Tool Dedicated portal

US Office of Research Integrity Resources

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 01 November 2015

US Department of Health and Human Services

The US Office of Research Integrity (ORI) oversees and directs Public Health Service research integrity activities on behalf of the Secretary of Health and Human Services, with the exception of the regulatory research integrity activities of the Food and Drug Administration.

The ORI website offers a wealth of resources on research misconduct and responsible conduct of research (RCR), as well as training programs, policies and regulations, and an assurance program. These resources include both in-house products (such as interactive videos) and products developed by US universities, departments and institutions.

National, Local, Regional
Transparency, Reflection
Development, Exploration, Implementation, Monitorization & Evaluation, Dissemination

Resources are classified according to the following topics:

  • research misconduct: case summaries, extensive guidelines on how to handle misconduct, and forensic tools for examining and detecting plagiarism
  • responsible conduct of research: general and specific resources on human/animal research, publication and authorship, mentorship, data management, collaborative science, peer review and conflicts of interest
  • programs: training and research programs on research integrity
  • policies and regulations: US documents from the US government, the ORI and other institutions
  • assurance program: monitors institutional compliance with research misconduct policies

Among the many resources, users can find guidelines, bibliographic support and practical tools, such as forensic plagiarism-detection tools and The Lab ( an interactive training video available in English, Spanish and Chinese in which users adopt roles and make decisions about integrity in research that can have long-term consequences.

This is the official website of a US agency and is, thus, very US related. European actors should adapt the resources to their own context.

Beginner, Practitioner

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