Library Element Blog and Opinion

The research librarian of the future: data scientist and co-investigator

Uploaded by Ivo Grigorov on 19 December 2016
Last modified on 29 December 2016

RECODE Policy ReCommendations for Open Access to Research Data in Europe

Closing the Gap in Librarian, Faculty Views of Academic Libraries| Research.” Accessed September 7, 2015.



There remains something of a disconnect between how research librarians themselves see their role and its responsibilities and how these are viewed by their faculty colleagues. Jeannette Ekstrøm, Mikael Elbaek, Chris Erdmann and Ivo Grigorov imagine how the research librarian of the future might work, utilising new data science and digital skills to drive more collaborative and open scholarship. Arguably this future is already upon us but institutions must implement a structured approach to developing librarians’ skills and services to fully realise the benefits.

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