
TeRRItoria | Territorial Responsible Research and Innovation through the involvement of local R&I Actors

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 04 May 2021
Last modified on 04 May 2021



From 01/02/2019 to 31/01/2022

TeRRItoria aims to position regions and local authorities as places for science governance, education, public engagement, ethics, and open access.

TeRRItoria operates in a context of transition in European society, which is often critical. For territorial governance, this shift and transition can be a challenge to the usual strategies and measures fostering economic development and social cohesion.


  • the authority of science is decreasing while the need for science to confront our world’s challenges is increasing
  • the challenges of globalisation are difficult to manage at the local level ( e.g. delocalisation of industry, local climate change, digitalization, migration flows).

In this context of contestation and transition, the concept of Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and by extension the search for Territorial RRI may be a way of enabling local and regional governance actors to deal with such an era of change.

Science governance, education, ethics, public engagement, open access, and gender are the 6 dimensions exploring the concept’s applicability to territorial governance.

RRI is a concept which puts society at the centre of research and science. It is the acknowledgment that society is critical to the success of scientific endeavour and scientific endeavour is critical to the success of society. It is about aligning scientific research (the way it is carried out and its outcomes) with societal values, needs, and expectations. 

By linking RRI to regions and territorial governance, the project assumes that the competitiveness of European territories and regions will be fostered.

Five experiments are being carried out:

  • Central Macedonia: Regional Gender Equality Plan
  • Emilia Romagna: inserting RRI in RIS3
  • Trøndelag: establishing permanent dialogue
  • North East-Romania: developing a consultative tool for agenda setting in local mountain communities
  • Municipality of Gabrovo: engaging the public in a plan for innovation







  • ESF – European Science Foundation (France)
  • SEERC – South East European Research Center (Greece) 
  • K&I – Knowledge and Innovation Srls  (Italy)
  • AU – Aarhus University (Denmark)
  • RCM – Region of Central Macedonia (Greece)
  • NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology (Norway)
  • ARC Fund – Applied Research and Communications Fund (Bulgaria)
  • ART-ER – Attractiveness Research Territory (Italy)
  • EURADA – European Association of Development Agencies (Belgium)
  • DBT – Danish Board of Technology Foundation (Denmark)
  • Municipality of Gabrovo (Bulgaria)
  • Trøndelag County Council (Norway)
  • ADR North Est – North East Regional Development Agency (Romania)  

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