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SIS-Catalyst Diversity & Inclusion Map

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 01 November 2015

SIS-Catalyst project

SiS Catalyst’s Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) map is for organisations and practitioners involved in science-engagement programs for children. It helps users develop high-quality programs that are attractive for children from different social backgrounds.

The D&I map helps users reflect on the following aspects:

  • the impact they aim to achieve
  • the strategic embedding and sustainability of their programs
  • their cooperation, networking and communication skills
  • their inclusiveness and engagement with target groups 
  • their evaluation and monitoring efforts.

This tool is part of SiS Catalyst’s catalogue of resources; the catalogue was one result of the SiS Catalyst project, which was based on the idea that, if children are the future, we must involve them in the decisions of today.

Open (login required)
Online, PDF, Software
National, International, Local, Regional, Global
Diversity, Inclusion, Transparency
Development, Monitorization & Evaluation, Dissemination

The D&I map consists of:

  • a self-assessment questionnaire (access requires registration)
  • a benchmarking tool to support in-depth comparisons with other programs and organizations across the EU
  • a planning tool to facilitate action plan development
  • a manual with tips and tricks and references for literature about creating a safer and more inclusive environment for children and staff
  • some examples of evaluation tools that organizations have used to evaluate and monitor their children’s programs.
Practitioner, Master

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