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RRI Trends 2nd Wave: RRI in Selected Research Funding Organisations, Universities and Companies

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 01 November 2015

ResAgora (2015), RRI Trends 2nd Wave: RRI in Selected Research Funding Organisations, Universities and Companies

The 1st round of RRItrends provided an initial understanding of (1) the dimensions of RRI that materialize in national policies, (2) the actors who are involved in the governance of RRI; (3) the techno-scientific domains that RRI governance addresses, (4) and the variety in policy mechanisms that are applied at the national level. It showed significant variation across these categories and heterogeneity across countries.
The 2nd round focuses on two themes that emerged from the 1st round, namely (1) ‘responsibility in organizations, funding research and innovation’ (public and private) (2) ‘responsibility in organizations, performing research and innovation’ (universities, companies). In their reports national correspondents addressed a number of research questions for each of these actors.


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