Tool Training

Roll the RRI Dice: a game to spark good training conversations or creating case stories.

Uploaded by Ecsite European Network of Science Centres and Museums on 13 September 2016
Owned by RRI Tools . Last modified on 13 October 2017

Ecsite, European Network of Science Centres and Museums

Antonina Khodzhaeva and Andrea Troncoso

These two scripts describe how to create playful situations during an RRI Training to provoke reflection among participants and to create stories and scenarios. At the end of this document, you will find a template to print and to create your own dice. You can share the template with your participants and colleagues. Feel free to adapt the scripts and use the dice in your own way, and don't forget to share your experience and feedback with  us.

Diversity, Inclusion, Transparency, Openness, Anticipation, Reflection
Exploration, Monitorization & Evaluation, Dissemination
Use it to spark conversation, make a break or introduce a topic. Print, cut, glue and ready to use. Includes some suggestions of uses.
Beginner, Practitioner, Master

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