Tool Reflection and Evaluation

Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (ROARMAP)

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 01 November 2015

Eprints, University of Southampton, UK

ROARMAP is a searchable international registry charting the growth of open access mandates and policies adopted by universities, research institutions and research funders. Such policies request or require that researchers provide open access to their peer-reviewed research article by depositing it in an open access repository.

International, Global
Transparency, Openness

Users can:

  • perform ‘simple’ or ‘advanced’ searches using a full range of fields
  • add new policy records
  • browse by country, region or policymaker type
  • add their own repository.

As an international registry, ROARMAP reaches a wide audience, whatever the country or discipline. The main drawback is that users of this tool must already be familiar with the open access cause—it offers no rationale for open access. The layout is also very sober and minimalistic.

Beginner, Practitioner

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