
JERRI - Joining Efforts for Responsible Research and Innovation

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 13 January 2017



From 01/06/2016 to 31/05/2019

The goal of the project is to foster RRI transition in Europe by developing and testing good RRI practices in pilot cases, for a further upscaling among the RTOs in the EU28.

A Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) Plan will be developed and implemented at the biggest European RTOs, the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft and TNO, covering the five RRI key dimensions (societal engagement, gender equality and gender in research and innovation con-tent, open access, science education and ethics).

After identifying the state-of-the-art of good RRI practices, goals will be developed for within each dimension. Barriers for the achievement of these goals will be analyzed, and an action plan to overcome these barriers will be formulated. The project will be set up as a mutual learning process between the consortium, further European RTOs, stakeholders, and two international associated partners.

  • Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Germany
  • TNO Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research, Netherlands
  • Institute for Advanced Studies IHS, Austria
  • Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

Dr. Benjamin Teufel
Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI

[email protected]

  • Total cost: EUR 2 363 643,75
  • EU contribution: EUR 2 363 643,75

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