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genderSTE - gender in Science, Technology and Environment

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 04 February 2016
Owned by Everis Barcelona . Last modified on 18 February 2016



From 28/11/2012 to present

genderSTE is a network of experts and policy makers committed to promoting a fairer representation of women and better integration of gender analysis in research and innovation.

The main objective of genderSTE is to promote a better integration of gender dimensions in science and technology at three main levels:

  1. Promoting women’s careers in science and technology through structural change of institutions (as recommended by the European Commission) by disseminating existing research and practice;
  2. Promoting a better integration of gender in the content of science, research and technology, by dissemination existing research on the topic, i.e. the EU-US Gendered Innovations project;
  3. Identifying gender dimensions relevant to environment-related Horizon2020 Grand Challenges and to the JPI Urban Europe.
Resources in the genderSTE webpage are classified into the following main categories: 
  • Structural Change
  • Gender in Research
  • Cities + Gender
  • Transportation + Gender
  • Energy, Climate + Gender
  • Innovation + Gender

The members of the network represent government bodies, research organizations, universities, non-profits, and private companies from 40 countries, in Europe and beyond, as well as international organizations.

For more info see

Chair of the Action:
Ines Sanchez de Madariaga
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
[email protected] 
genderSTE is a policy-driven targeted network funded by COST - MoU 4159/12 

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