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FESTA - Female Empowerment in Science and Technology Academia

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 04 February 2016
Owned by Everis Barcelona . Last modified on 18 February 2016



From 01/02/2012 to present

The project is concerned with implementing changes in the working environment of academic researchers, to encourage female researchers to stay and make a career in the academy and to create organizational environments where their competence is valued and fostered. In particular, the project addresses the working environment of researchers in the lower levels of their careers, to make it possible for them to advance to the ranks of highest scientific expertise. 

The different partner institutions will take actions on some core issues, which have seldom been directly addressed in previous research or implementation, in particular on the level of the daily environment of researchers: formal and informal decision making processes, meeting cultures, PhD supervision, perceptions of excellence in hiring processes and in the work environment, and resistance to equality measures. 

FESTA will come out with a variety of measures which research environments in different European contexts can use in addressing core issues in their gender equality work. These will be formulated as toolkits and manuals and disseminated both nationally and on the European level in workshops, conferences and through the different networks of the FESTA partners, in addition to web and paper publishing

  • Uppsala University, Sweden (Project coordinator)
  • University of Southern Denmark, Denmark 
  • RWTH Aachen University, Germany 
  • University of Limerick, Ireland 
  • Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Italy 
  • Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Turkey 
  • South-West University, Bulgaria 
Project coordinator:
Dr. Minna Salminen-Karlsson 
Uppsala University , Sweden 
Total cost: EUR 4.290.431
EU contribution: EUR 2.569.180
Project reference: 287526
Funded under: FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2011-1

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