
EST-FRAME. Integrated EST Framework

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 01 November 2015
Owned by Ellen-Marie Forsberg . Last modified on 13 February 2017



From 01/01/2012 to 31/12/2014
The aim of the EST-Frame project is to contribute to socially robust and ethically sound research and technology development by providing further methodological development of appropriate tools for social impact assessment and technology evaluation. The project will appraise current assessment methods for evaluating emerging science and technology with the objectives of mapping their strengths and weaknesses and determining their appropriate application domains. It will examine the current policy context for emerging science and technology (EST) policy advice and will identify future trends and needs that should be considered. The project will, in close dialogue with end users, also identify to what extent – and in what contexts –a framework of a more integrated nature can be applied, and it will examine the appropriate position that such an integrated framework can operate in, within a context characterised by internationalisation, market politics, and new forms of public-private partnerships in technology governance. Finally, this work will result in the design of a flexible, integrated framework that is intended to facilitate holistic societal dialogue and reflection and policy advice on emerging science and technologies. The project will use four examples of emerging science and technologies – (a) nanotechnology in food production, (b) synthetic biology, (c) biofuels and (d) security in emerging ICTs – to determine how current frameworks are applied to assess social impacts and then evaluate these assessments in light of the integrated framework. An added value of the project is policy relevant advice on the four cases.

The project developed an integrated approach to assessment of emerging science and technologies: the TranSTEP approach, targeted towards policy makers commissioning assessments and professionals conducting assessments

Case studies on: 

  • Nano foods
  • New ICTs
  • Synthetic biology
  • New biofuels
  • Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Siences, Oslo, Norway (Coordinator)
  • Wageningen University and Research Centre, Wageningen, Netherlands
  • The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom
  • The Danish Board of Technology Foundation, Copenhague, Denmark
  • Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Berlin, Germany
Ellen-Marie Forsberg (coordinator)
[email protected] 
Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (HIOA) 
Oslo, Norway 
Total cost: EUR 2.087.027
EU contribution: EUR 1.499.273
Project reference: 288981
Funded under: FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2011-1

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