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Inspiring Practice
Economic valuation of services and governance of coastal and marine ecosystems✎
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on 01 November 2015
Research Community
Policy Makers
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Business & Industry
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Food, agriculture, forestry, water and bio-economy
Climate, environment, and resources
marine ecosystems
fishing area
economic valuation
sustainable use
The project researches specific services of marine and coastal ecosystems in the region between Peniche and Nazaré, an important fishing area in Portugal. Inspired by the work of TEEB - The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity, the project is generating information on the value of the benefits provided by the marine environment. These values, which are not exclusively monetary ones, will make clearer for decision makers and policymakers the environmental and economic implications of their ocean-related decisions.
Stakeholders (policymakers, civil society organisations, business and industry representatives, and researchers and innovators) are involved in different degrees throughout the project.
Stakeholders have access to project information, and some research data is already being shared and co-produced with researchers external to the project. The project publicizes its findings in different ways, including through policy briefs, which are written in non-technical language suitable for the intended audiences. Provisional results were recently released in a policy brief available online (see URL below), and contribute to identify and solve specific societal problems. Creative visual tools and graphics, and different types of media (social, regular, websites) are preferred. What sets this project apart is the way different participants have access to the project’s materials and results. Importantly, all the “non-experts” participants are also identified as authors of the deliverables.
Development, Exploration, Implementation
The project is bridging the divide between natural (biology) and social (economics) sciences, and its interdisciplinary practices are slowly “spilling over” to other research organisations. More detailed and single-issue policy briefs will be released before the project ends in late 2016.
Leading organization:
- Gulbenkian Oceans Initiative of Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
- General Directorate of Natural Resources, Safety and Maritime Services (DGRM)
- Portuguese Institute of the Sea and Atmosphere (IPMA)
- Estrutura de Missão para a Extensão da Plataforma Continental (EMEPC)
Francisca Moura
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Lisboa, Portugal
[email protected]
Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation
Lisboa, Portugal
[email protected]
- http://www.gulbenkian.pt/mediaRep/gulbenkian//files/institucional/FTP_files/pdfs/IG_Oceanos/GOI_ing_web/HTML/index.html#/34/
- http://www.gulbenkian.pt/mediaRep/gulbenkian/files/institucional/actividades/programas_projectos/InicOceanos/Policybrief_Iniciativa_Oceanos.pdf
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