
COMPASS - Evidence and opportunities for responsible innovation in SMEs

Uploaded by Daniel García on 19 October 2016
Owned by RRI Tools . Last modified on 11 March 2019



From 01/06/2016 to 31/05/2019

Responsible Innovation COMPASS is an EU-funded project that supports Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) from emerging technology industries to manage their research, development and innovation activities in a responsible and inclusive manner.

During the three years of the project COMPASS will develop and launch a number of elements of the Responsible Innovation COMPASS, an online platform containing a number of tools and services tailored to SME needs:

  • Inspiring case studies
  • Insights by the COMPASS Advisory Board
  • Sector roadmaps
  • Responsible Innovation Self-check tool
  • Training materials
  • Responsible Innovation Case Studies - real industry cases on how implementing RI can kick-start innovation and contribute to competitiveness of SMEs in the key innovation fields. 

  • Insights by COMPASS Advisory Board - Responsible Innovation is still a challenging concept for a number of businesses and industries. COMPASS has brought together exceptional experts, who have been working on the forefront of responsible innovation issues in the areas of healthcare, ICT, and nanotechnology, as well as on ethics, gender, and competitiveness issues as members of the Advisory Board. 

  • Roadmap co-creation Labs - From September 2017 to March 2018, 40 companies and civil society organisations seized the opportunity to co-develop roadmaps for responsible innovation in nanotechnology, cyber security and biomedicine together with the COMPASS Consortium. These three roadmaps have a time horizon of 2030 and point out sector-specific milestones and action points for companies to focus on in their pursuit of responsible innovation.

    Responsible Innovation self-check tool - a learning and self-diagnostic tool for responsible innovation in business. It aims to help Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and larger companies in highly innovative sectors to learn how to effectively integrate responsible innovation practices into their company and innovation management. The tool will help companies assess where their company stands, how they compare to peers, and what they can do to make their innovation practices more responsible. Based on 50 key questions about company and innovation management across different business functions, the tool automatically scores and benchmarks your results against other companies.

  • WU Institute for Managing Sustainability, Austria (coord.)
  • De Montfort University, UK
  • University of Central Lancashire Cyprus, Cyprus
  • “la Caixa” Banking Foundation, Spain
  • European Business and Innovation Centre Network
  • B Lab Europe
  • Strategic Design Scenarios, Belgium
Total cost: EUR 1 505 945,63
EU contribution: EUR 1 499 945,63
Project Reference: 710543
Funded under: H2020-GARRI-2-2015

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