Tool Guideline

Co-Creation Toolkit | a guidance on the design, development and implementation of effective co-creation in industry-citizen collaboration settings

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 12 May 2021
Last modified on 24 January 2022

Rainer Kuhn, Wilfried Konrad, Sarah-Kristina Wist & Bianca Witzel from DIALOGIK - Living Innovation project (April 2021)

Industry requires innovation that continuously approaches citizens’ problems from fresh angles. By giving citizens the chance to be involved in the design of the technology that will shape their future lives, co-creation helps industry to respond directly to the needs of users and society.
After 3 years and 19 workshops with over 150 participants in 6 countries, the LIV_IN project has published one of its main deliverables: A Toolkit on co-creation. It takes the experiences of the LIV_IN workshops to draw generally applicable conclusions on what to look for when co-creating with citizens.

What can you expect from this Toolkit?

This Co-Creation Toolkit provides you tools and guidelines for starting and running a responsible innovation process. Based on our experiences from the workshops conducted by the LIV_IN Labs and additional theoretical research, this Toolkit aims to provide an insight into the key principles and a variety of practical tips. Due to the limitations around Covid-19, we were not only able to gain experience with offline workshops, but also tested and analysed formats online. Thus, we are glad to present our generalizable learnings from both the offline and online Labs on how to efficiently perform responsible innovation within business-citizens' collaborations.

We want to show you how Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) can enrich your innovation process by giving you an insight on what Responsible Research and Innovation means and how to use tools to engage with Co-Creation and Design Thinking. As we have gained a lot of practical experience, we would like to share what we have learned and have bundled this with the practical questions from the start to the end of the participation process. This should help to consider and answer the questions that arise when setting up an inclusive process:

  • § What should I be clear about before I start?
  • § What are important success factors?
  • § Whom to involve when?
  • § What practical considerations are important?
  • § What do I have to consider at the workshop itself?
  • § And at the end?

Finally, there is always the question of the methods and tools that I want to and should use. Here, the selection should always be based on the goal, i.e. the question: What do I finally want to achieve with the process? The sorting of methods at the end of this brochure is based on this logic. This gives a pointed insight into the multitude of creative and established methods for working together with citizens on new and innovative ideas.

The Toolkit is thus divided into three large chapters:

  1. How can Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) enrich my innovation process?
  2. How can I put co-creation into practice?
  3. What methods to use? The Co-Creation Toolbox and a checklist for running a RRI workshop


See also this 10 minute video produced by LIV_IN with André Martinuzzi and Svetlana Ivanova on <<The LIV_IN Co-creation Toolkit>> 

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