Tool Catalogue of Tools

Citizen Science Toolkit

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 01 November 2015

Cornell Laboratory of Ornithology

The Citizen Science Toolkit is a compilation of resources and ideas for the development of citizen science projects.

National, International, Local, Regional, Global
Diversity, Inclusion
Development, Exploration, Implementation, Monitorization & Evaluation, Dissemination

The toolkit resources are organized under a step-wise framework according to the citizen science programme model. Steps considered are: (1) choose a question, (2) form a team, (3) refine protocols, (4) recruit participants, (5) train participants, (6) accept data, (7) analyse data, (8) disseminate results and (9) measure effects. Also, the citizen science forum hosts short-term discussions on topics in the field of public participation in scientific research.

This toolkit offers a good structure but no content. Almost no cases are described, and 75% of the links to data analysing tools are dead, which is frustrating. So for the moment, the toolkit has good intentions, but no practical use.


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