Tool Guideline

Participation Works - 21 techniques of community participation for the 21st century

Uploaded by RRI Tools on 01 November 2015

New Economics Foundation and UK Community Participation Network

Participation Works focuses on the meaning of participation and offers a selection of participation techniques and examples. It contains 21 proven techniques from around the world and shows how to choose between them, how to use them and where to find more information.

The guide provides a very short introduction on participation methods and a description of the main features of each of the 21 selected techniques, some of which may not be applicable to R&I processes. For each technique, the guide presents information on planning and implementing, including duration, budget, venue, staff and expertise. It also offers examples and support information, such as contacts, bibliographies and training opportunities (if existing).

The 21 featured tecniques of community participation are:

  1. Action Planning
  2. Act Create Experience (ACE)
  3. Choices Method
  4. Citizens Juries
  5. Community Appraisals
  6. Community Indicators
  7. Enspirited Envisioning
  8. Future Search
  9. Guided Visualisation
  10. Imagine!
  11. Local Sustainability Model
  12. Open Space
  13. Parish Maps
  14. Participatory Appraisal
  15. Participatory Strategic Planning
  16. Participatory Theatre
  17. Planning For Real
  18. Round Table Workshops
  19. Social Audit
  20. TalkWorks
  21. Team Syntegrity
National, International, Local, Regional, Global
Inclusion, Responsiveness, Openness, Reflection
Development, Exploration, Implementation, Monitorization & Evaluation, Dissemination

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